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Well, well, well, step right up kiddos because you are in for a Flavor Flav’s clock-size serving of podcast wonder! Let’s dive straight into the land of giggles, snickers, snorts, good old belly laughs and hearty guffaws as I take you on a magical carpet ride through 10 comedy podcasts you’ll cherish if you’re a fan of “The 85 South Show” podcast. You ready? No, No, No, I can’t hear you! I SAID, ARE YOU READY? Good, that’s more like it.

Gently tap that fuzzy lamp and witness a spectrum of hilarity burst forth! Just like yours truly, Robin William’s Genie style, impersonating Elvis Presley whilst throwing out comic impressions like it’s Christmas in Vegas.

First on the list is “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend”. Now, now, I hear ya. Conan? A friend? But seriously folks, if your jaw drops any lower you’ll hit the Earth’s mantle…In the podcast, the iconic Conan O’Brien, the human equivalent of a caffeinated squirrel, brings his self-deprecating humor and Harvard wit as he hilariously chats with famous folks you’d love to call friends too.

Comin’ up at number 2, we’ve got the punchy “My Dad Wrote A Porno”. One ginormous leap for mankind, one tiny step for podcasts… This podcast isn’t just pushing boundaries, it’s bulldozing through ’em like a wrecking ball on caffeine! Mixing comedy with a dash of cringe, it’s guaranteed to make your eyes water and your sides split from laughter.

At number 3, like Aristotle following Plato, is “The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds” – Who could resist a bit of historical comedy, am I right? Here, Dave passionately narrates the most bizarre, obscure American history facts while Gareth reacts, having no clue what the topic will be about.

Next in the limelight, is number 4 “The Unofficial Expert”, with comedians Sydnee Washington and Marie Faustin. Like injections of joyful Botox, this podcast tightens up your laugh lines! They bring on guests claiming to be experts in random things, like crying or being a gold digger – just everyday, relatable stuff, right?!

And what’s that coming over the hill at number 5? It’s “The Read”! Ready for the roller-coaster of pop culture, mental health, and social issues with Kid Fury and Crissle? With their candid views, sharp tongues, and uproarious humor, you’ll feel like you’re having drinks with your best friends.

Halfway through darling! Now, it’s our lucky number 6, “The Last Podcast on the Left”. Horror, true crime, the occult – all while making you laugh your socks off. It’s Al Capone meets Abbott and Costello, Dexter meets Dave Chappelle… you get my drift!

At 7, it’s “Two Dope Queens” brought to you by Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson. It’s like grabbing a bag of Lays – you just can’t stop once you start. No topic is off-limits from race and gender to living in New York and Billy Joel takes center stage(!)

Running up at number 8 is the hilariously relatable “Hype Night with Dan and Phil”. It’s a goofy journey recounting experiences during their world tour while providing chucklesome stories – hint of cringiness included! No extra charge!

Our penultimate podcast, at number 9, is “Comedy Bang! Bang!”. It’s as if Salvador Dali decided to dabble in podcast comedy. Impromptu, surrealist fun involving both fictional and real characters that spiral into bizarro-world adventures.

Finally at number 10, we have “No Such Thing As A Fish”. It’s like if Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak had a sense of humor. The creators of QI share the weirdest trivia they’ve found in the past week. It’s a self-esteem booster – really, who doesn’t feel better knowing that sloths mistakenly grab their arms thinking they’re tree branches and fall to their deaths?

Now, if I had to choose only one, I’d recommend “The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds”, because not only does it serve the laughs on a silver platter, but also dishes out a side of knowledge with a generous sprinkle of absurd fun. It’s comedy, it’s education, it’s a carnivalesque rollercoaster through byways of history you never knew you needed to know. Like finding out that Niagara Falls was once turned off or that Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard who saved 77 lives. I mean, come on, that’s premium-grade podcasting gold!

So tune in, laugh out loud, and spread the joy around. Comedy is sharing, after all! Now remember, these podcasts are going to have you laughing so hard your stomach hurts, so don’t say I didn’t warn ya. And remember, in the words of Looney Tunes, “That’s all, Folks!”

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